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What will replace gas boilers by 2025?

What will replace gas boilers by 2025?

The year 2025 holds significant importance for the future of heating systems, as the UK government has set a target to phase out gas boilers in an effort to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This shift towards more sustainable alternatives has led to the exploration of various options that could replace traditional gas boilers.

Heat pumps

One of the main advantages of heat pumps is their ability to extract renewable energy from the environment, such as air or ground, and convert it into usable heat for homes and buildings. This makes them highly energy-efficient compared to traditional fossil fuel-based heating systems like gas boilers.

Did you know?

Here at EvolveMyBoiler, we are fully qualified heat pump installers. As they require a more in-depth surveys and planning we can't yet offer our instant quoting service for heat pumps but if you are interested in finding out more just get in touch and we will be more than happy to discuss your options with you

Heat pumps also have the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions when compared to alternatives such as hydrogen boilers, electric boilers, or biomass boilers.

Another benefit of heat pumps is their versatility. They can provide both heating and cooling functions, making them suitable for year-round use. Additionally, they require less maintenance compared to other heating systems since they have fewer moving parts and would last longer than a traditional boiler.

However, it is important to consider some drawbacks as well. The initial installation cost of a heat pump can be higher than traditional heating systems due to the need for specialised equipment and installation expertise – although this can, in some circumstances, be subsidised with government initiatives, plus would be offset by lower running and maintenance costs.

Depending on the location and climate conditions, heat pumps may also experience reduced efficiency during extremely cold temperatures.

Furthermore, transitioning from a conventional boiler system to a heat pump may require additional modifications or upgrades in terms of insulation and distribution systems within the property. The physical size and appearance of the external pump, plus required location as they need a certain amount of space around them to work, may be a limiting factor.


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  • High energy efficiency
  • Low carbon emissions
  • Multifunctional - heating and cooling
  • Lower maintenance


  • High upfront cost
  • Reduced efficiency in very low temperatures
  • Large size of the unit
  • Potential additional modifications required in the property

Hydrogen boilers

Another option being considered is hydrogen boilers. These boilers use hydrogen as a clean-burning fuel source, producing only water vapor as a byproduct. Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier that can be produced from renewable sources, making it an attractive option for achieving carbon neutrality.

As it stands, our network is not ready to use hydrogen on a large scale but it is likely to become more readily available in the years to come as the government introduces the UK Hydrogen Strategy and is set to become one of the most common heating fuels.

Many traditional gas boilers already on the market are already 'hydrogen-ready' so they are able to run using both natural gas and hydrogen. This means that they can switch to use either traditional gas, a hydrogen blend fuel type, or transition to hydrogen only when our network makes that move. It means the infrastructure is already in place and you won’t need to replace your boiler. Another advantage of hydrogen is potentially lower running costs since we won’t be relying on depleting gas supplies and subsequent gas price rises.

So what are the down sides? Using hydrogen for heating your home is still in it’s infancy so more research is still needed to refine the process, and cost, of producing the most suitable hydrogen and to discover whether any home types would potentially be unsuitable. While burning the hydrogen in your boiler produces only water vapour, and not the toxic gases from our current boilers, the process of creating the hydrogen in the first place does still produce carbon, or cleaner methods such as electrolysis is still very expensive.

It is also a highly flammable substance and so it would need to be ensured that boilers and associated amenities would need to be super safe within the home. Safe transport and storage methods would need to be considered.


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We are hydrogen ready

Many of the boilers we fit are hydrogen-ready. Get yourself future proofed with an instant fixed price quote for a new boiler, fully supplied and fitted by our experts


  • High energy efficiency
  • Clean burning - low carbon emissions
  • Cheaper upfront costs and potential lower running costs
  • Can use gas until hydrogen becomes fully available


  • Production of hydrogen is still expensive and not clean
  • Highly flammable

In conclusion

As we approach 2025, it is clear that there will not be a one-size-fits-all solution to replace gas boilers entirely. Instead, a combination of these alternatives may be adopted based on individual needs and circumstances. The transition away from gas boilers represents an important step towards achieving net-zero carbon emissions in our efforts to combat climate change and create a sustainable future for generations to come.

While heat pumps and hydrogen boilers offer several advantages such as reduced carbon emissions and energy efficiency, there are also considerations regarding upfront costs and potential limitations. It is essential for individuals and policymakers alike to weigh these pros and cons when considering the adoption of new heating methods on their journey towards achieving net-zero carbon emissions.

Talk to us

We can advise on any situation and fully explain what work would need doing to upgrade your boiler or system. We offer a range of boiler choices and an instant fixed price quote that remains valid for 3 months. We provide you with all the information you'll need to make your decision on how much does a new boiler cost 2023.

Click here to find the range of boilers tailored to YOU
Or call us to discuss your needs

Published: 07 September 2023

Tags: heat pumps, hydrogen, net zero